Hegna's Hotseat

The #1 Tool for You to Close Annuity Sales Today


've always been old-fashioned in my approach to financial advising (I'm trying to help my fellow Boomers after all), but today's consumers utilize technology and so should you! Give me a tablet, the internet, and twenty minutes and I can learn just about anything about anything on my own. If you're an independent agent or advisor, there is one piece of software you absolutely MUST check out. It can save you countless hours of shopping, quoting, and comparing products. I really wish this tool was around when I was in production; it's called Annuities Genius! Below is what others are saying about it, but if you really want to see this software in action, register for an upcoming webinar where I'll host David Novak, the genius behind the Annuities Genius, to give you a full demo. Click here to register!

Annuities Genius Testimonials


The Best Tool to Close Annuity Sales Webinar!

The creator of the Annuities Genius software, David Novak, was an agent like you and was able to use this tool to grow his practice from zero to more than $10 million per year, working part-time, 2-3 hours a day inside of 3 short years! Whether you’re an agent, FMO/IMO/BGA, or an insurance carrier, be more successful with realtime information. Annuities Genius does all the footwork to provide you with the most comprehensive information on the latest products. Take your Annuities sales to a million dollars with this amazing online tool! Watch the webinar to get an in depth look at Annuities Genius!

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